Maricopa Bagpiper Uncategorized Where to play your Pipes

Where to play your Pipes

Everyone loves the sound of a well played set of bagpipes – and even sometimes those that are not so well played. But in order to be able to play well, you have to practice, a lot. So the logical question is where to practice and play.

Ranked here are my top 5 places to play:

  1. In a Cemetery. The dead will appreciate even beginners.
  2. On a Beach. The sound of crashing waves will add a nice touch to the sound of your pipes.
  3. In a Canyon. Something with high walls and a river will make your pipes echo both up and down the canyon.
  4. In the Woods. Soft earth and numerous leaves will absorb the sound of your pipes and kill any echo. It’s such fun to disturb the utter peace and tranquility of the forest peace.
  5. On the street during a 5K fun run. The runners come and go and most will enjoy the brief time they get to hear you.

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